It was a timely visit. We had hoped to go in August of last year, but couldn't pull it off. God had other plans. The members of the group finally solidified in December and we headed out in the first week of January. This trip was very meaningful for David and I. We met several people who fondly remembered his parents from their years as missionaries in that part of Haiti. How sweet. We ate dinner in a home he had lived in as a boy. We spent the night at the retreat center where he first told me "I love you." And, we got to introduce the Haiti that we love to some people we worship and fellowship with. Great trip with wonderful new and deepened friendships.
But, in Gods perfect way, the timing that we considered delayed, was perfect. The first comment David heard as we got out of the truck was, "Cholera is killing people." Not, "hello" or "how are you"? But, "Cholera is killing people."
We were able to teach about Cholera three different times. One time was a full time seminar that went on for several hours, open to community leaders. Two other times were impromptu to a primary school and to a church packed to see the foreigners.
If we had been there in August, we would not have been there in January just as cholera was striking this village. How awesome is our God who knew all about it last summer when our "plans" just weren't working out.
In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9