Balthazar. One of the wise men. A son of a pastor, husband to a beautiful wife and father of two precious boys. An intuitive interpreter who loves to share Jesus with patients. A prudent driver on roads not meant for the faint of heart. A man of God.
On day two of our work at the clinic in Cite Soleil, we experienced a tremor that shook plaster off the wall, widened some cracks and drove some patients outside in a panic. A few were laughing hysterically. There was much crying and wailing. The shaking was all too familiar for people who had already lost family, homes, and any hope of making a living.
Out of an exam room came Balthazar. All six feet four inches of him. He stepped outside, raised his arms and asked the Lord of the heavens to calm the people. As he prayed, people were reminded that God is faithful and that they could cling to Jesus for renewed hope and peace.
People like Balthazar are everywhere in Haiti, choosing to trust God rather than blame him. Loving those around them in Jesus' name.