Whether David stays another week or another month, the work in Haiti is only just beginning. With a well-earned reputation for entrenched corruption, pervasive poverty being the norm and the Atlantic hurricane season coming right after the imminent rainy season, the hurdles which lie before Haiti's full recovery are daunting.
Add to this overwhelming task the apparent jockeying for position to help and challenge of co-ordination of international aid efforts, and I have to sigh as I pause to consider what shape the country of Haiti will take in the months and years to come.
That's when I am reminded that I follow a God who is able.
I remember the countless "hopeless" situations God has redeemed. Familiar Old Testament stories of deliverance heard since Sunday school days. Goliath felled by one stone hurled from a shepherd boy's slingshot. The Red Sea parting long enough, but only just long enough, for the Israelites to escape to safety. The widow's little jar of oil being refilled each morning.Able: having necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications; having unusual or superior intelligence, skill, etc.Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
Are these just stories?
Yes, they would be if I didn't have the daily assurance that the ultimate redemption and act of deliverance was real. Daily, I am convinced that the horrific death of Jesus Christ on the cross did not end there. His resurrection, or return to full life, has been proven to me over and over. How? I experience a supernatural peace and hope and even joy in the midst of challenging and painful situations. An assurance that can only come from God, who cares. Who is able. Daily.
So, I cling to the Lord of all creation, look into His face and am assured that He is able to redeem, rebuild and restore Haiti.
P.S. I fixed the link to Tuesday's taped interview. Also, I added some new links. See the sidebar on the right. Today's new photos posted to Samaritan's Purse website: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/In_Pictures/photos/haiti_relief_day_20/