Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Going forward

David is back in Sisters. So good to be reunited, see his smile, hear his stories. In the days ahead he will have many opportunities to talk about Haiti and what it means to him that he could be there when he was. We will talk and pray about some options for us to return to the land where we met. We will consider how soon, how long, in what capacity. 
We want to be wise as we proceed. Here is the closing paragraph from an article in Christianity Today. It really speaks to this desire to be wise as we go forward.
Thus, in this moment—stirred as we are by Haiti's pain, and freshly reminded of the hazards of poorly-directed zeal—the most significant reminder is that knowledge-guided love is always needful. The emotion we're feeling is one that can be acted upon for the rest of our lives. Amidst the current crisis, we must help as best we can: giving generously, praying seriously, and even working on the ground alongside trustworthy organizations and local churches. Meanwhile, it's never too early to begin readying ourselves for a longer journey, joining passion with preparedness, and compassion with commitment, to serve wisely and well for the distance. Strong on Zeal, Thin on Knowledge