I had the opportunity to "talk" with David tonight through the internet. As my 93 year-old mom would say, isn't technology amazing!
He is doing well, but sounded weary. Of course it is 11:30 pm his time and he is not known to be a night owl.
Things are getting up to speed, but slowly. He confirmed what we keep hearing on the news: the city's infrastructure is shot so everything takes way longer than it used to take, which was already slow by American standards. (Not always a bad thing, I would add.)
They spent most of yesterday at the airport unloading supplies. Today, he toured a few of the makeshift tent cites scattered around Port and took photographs. As I type this, he is going through his photos to download and get to the states for Samaritan's Purse to use.
The Haitian people he has been in contact with have seemed to be in pretty good spirits. They are a resilient people and many have a deep faith in God and ordinarily rely on Him for their daily needs.
He shared no personal concerns, only those of the relief workers: security could quickly become an issue as could spread of disease after a few more days with so many people living under these conditions.
Again, thank you for your thoughts and prayers for the people of Haiti.
If you are interested, check this for video and still photo updates:
and for a specific recap of SP's work there today: