In the midst of so much suffering and overwhelming need, the tender and humorous moments help us get through the grueling hot days and long nights. They help us keep our sanity in an otherwise surreal world.
Seeing a recovering child sit up, eat crackers and laugh at a silly face drawn on a balloon.
Catching a glimpse of a chaplain stroking the cheek of a child frightened by an IV insertion.
Holding a limp child who needs some TLC while her mama nurses her younger sibling.
Watching a father tenderly care for his small children while their mother lies ill on the adjoining cot.
Wondering which patient has the strange cough only to realize it is the cow just outside the tent.
And then there are the definitions unique to this setting:
Positive TapTap Sign: patient arrives at Triage in a TapTap with horn blaring, lights flashing; have the IV ready to go
Pest Control: Mama hen leading her chicks around the camp to devour the hundreds of gnarly grasshoppers
Multi-tasking Generator: powers floodlights, dries freshly cleaned cots, dries hands, warms IV fluids and offers heat to patients chilled by the night air and cold IV fluids
Gourmet Survival: MRE’s, Meals Ready to Eat. Shelf life 12 years. Mmmmm.
Decon: process of cleaning every possible contaminated surface with diluted Clorox; including shoes, scrub clothes, pens, stethoscopes and bodies.
BRAT diet Haitian style: ripe banana, white bread, bouillon with plantain or bread, white rice
Rehydration Cocktail: Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS), straight up (no ice)
Baby Food: crushed crackers mixed with ORS and perhaps ripe banana
These are the moments which make the scope of this disaster less terrifying.
Haha mom thanks so much for posting this, your incredible attitude is such an testimony to the work of God in your life!