Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"For such a time as this"

I've been hearing the phrase, "for such a time as this" quite often lately. Do you ever have moments in your life when you can see that many things in your experience has prepared you for just this moment? Now is one of those moments for me. 

Who would know that a new nurse-midwife yanked from language school on the heels of a revolution to assist with trauma cases would one day return there to serve the people of Haiti in their fight against cholera?  Who would know that a nurse-midwife reluctantly thrown into international community health nursing and later trained to teach WASH principles would have the small opportunity to combat a deadly water-borne disease? 

Just received word that I leave Friday for Haiti as part of Samaritan's Purse's most recent response to the cholera crisis in Haiti. I will be working in their clinic in Cite Soleil, a slum in Port-au-Prince. I believe I will be working as a nurse, but could be working in several different roles.  

To say I am excited to go, is not quite accurate. That is not to say that I am reluctant or afraid. And yes, there is a bit of excitement as I think about the challenges that lie ahead. But mostly, I feel very humbled and sobered. That God would pluck me from my comfortable and privileged life here in the foothills of the Oregon Cascades and trust me to serve Him in this way fills me with awe.

For if you remain still at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Haitians from another place and you and your family's house will miss the blessing. And who knows whether you have not attained your present position for such a time as this?
 Esther 4:13-14, my personal paraphrase
But right here, right here for this time and place

You can live a mirror of His mercy
A forgiven image of grace
            Wayne Watson, “For Such a Time as This”


  1. I'll surely be praying for you as you go, Cindy.

  2. My prayers go with you - for your health and safety, endurance and wisdom - as you be the hands and feet of Jesus.

    Love and admire you,

  3. Cindy, it is amazing to watch God work though you in so many parts of the world, in so many roles. You a truly a woman prepared for service, whom God is using to evidence His love for the hurting around us. I'm so privileged to call you friend. I will be praying for you safety and effective ministry as you touch people with the love of our Savior! Praying for your family, too, and rejoicing with you about Josh. Blessings!
