Saturday, January 30, 2010

Despair or Hope?

The story of Haiti, at this time, is not one of unending violence, looting and a population angry enough to fight over scant resources. But the people we met were wounded and weary and afraid to go back inside. The earth could shake at any moment and death could visit once again.  Closing paragraph from an article by Soledad O'Brien and Rose Arce, CNN January 30, 2010 
Healing the heart and soul is the work that the church does best.  Radio Lumiere is the voice of the church to minister to the hurting of the nation.  To do that effectively they need the equipment repaired and working reliably.  That is why I am here.  I have been greatly encouraged as I have been listening to the radio.  Pastors and others are giving much needed information, and more. They’re giving the encouragement and counsel that people really need.  Over and over again I hear pastors telling people to do what they can to share and to help others around them. ...  I heard testimonies of God's faithfulness, and also admonitions to trust the Lord in all things.  This is important work! Engineer and missionary Jerry Miel in an email letter home and forward to prayer partners. January 30, 2010
On day 18 since the earthquake, I am deeply thankful that there are people on the ground in Haiti who are also ministering to the wounded emotions and spirits of a people who have been traumatized, yet once again.  "This is important work!" 
I couldn't agree more. 

For another compelling look at "one of the modern world's worst natural disasters"