Thursday, February 25, 2010


Salomon. The wise. This man was brought into the clinic today, doubled over in pain, in shock, and convinced that he was dying. With an acute abdomen, he was likely suffering appendicitis. Once stabilized with intravenous solution, he waited for transportation to the hospital.
I was aware of the emergency, but not directly involved. Instead I plugged away at seeing women with various complaints and concerns, some amusing ~ it feels like something is walking around in my ear. Some extremely sad ~ in the earthquake my brother and my favorite auntie died, I was injured and hospitalized, my small business was destroyed, and I haven't eaten for 9 days.
When I had a chance, I helped move some IV solutions from the treatment room where Salomon was resting to the cooler pharmacy. I greeted him and told him I was glad he was feeling better. His response? "Jesus saved me!" This demanded more than "Glad to hear it!" I agreed that it was God who healed him, that if we were of any help it was because our hearts were filled with the compassion God gives us for the Haitian people. That it was God doing the healing here, not us.
He went on to say that Jesus saved him when He died on the cross, and then again today when he brought him back from death. He asked me if he could pray for us! I mutely nodded. His generous prayer moved me to tears which fell on our joined hands. He asked the God who saved him to grant us more knowledge, wisdom, strength and hope to relieve the suffering of the Haitian people. I was so humbled and moved that I apologized for my tears. He said I nothing to apologize for and simply asked God to bless me more.
Wow. What a day! Praise our Heavenly Father and Risen Lord whom we serve.